Thursday, July 22, 2010

YOU can Write a Book Webinar, July 10th at 9 PM East Coast Time, USA

Subject: Is it really possible?
You can write a book. No, I mean it. You really can!

Like most everything else, you must know the secrets.
In fact, people are writing complete books in days or weeks,
and having the finished published copies in their hands
in a month or less!

Few people can provide those secrets for you as can my friend,
best-selling author, conference speaker and writing coach,
Eddie Smith. Eddie and his wife Alice have written and/or
co-written 18 books. One of their books, "Spiritual Housecleaning"
was number two on the Top 100 Christian Books list, behind
Purpose Drive Life for six months in 2004!

Eddie has taught hundreds of students in his private seminars
during the past three years. He's taught two of these for
Lakewood Church, in Houston, Texas where he lives.

Dozens of his seminar graduates have already written their
first books and are published; and some have written two or more!

If you don't have the tools and know the secrets Eddie teaches,
you could waste a lot of time and effort. He'll explain why he
never writes a book before he sells it; why he never outlines a
book before he writes it; and why he never researches a book
until he's finished it.

Great news! Eddie has agreed to teach a private, "f~r~e~e",
90-minute webinar for my subscriber base--that includes you!

Don't miss this unique Internet experience.

What is a webinar? A webinar is a seminar on the worldwide
web. You watch it on your computer monitor and listen with
your computer speakers or headphones. There's no file or
program to download. Just show up, with pencil and paper
in hand.

Eddie promises to share solid, fresh, information for you that
you've never heard and will never hear anywhere else! He will
offer an extended Q&A time at the end, so have your questions
on hand. And he has another major surprise that he'll announce
during the webinar. So....

Save the date! Mark your calendar! Set your alarm!

"How To Write A Book" Webinar
With best-selling author and writing coach, Eddie Smith
Tuesday, August 10th, 9:00PM Eastern

Eddie and I will see you there! I assure you, we're in for a treat.    

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